The college library is the key resource of information for the academic community. Every college library has an important role in the general educational development of every staff and students of its parental organization. Like that, this library can also be considered as the academic centre of T K Madhava Memorial College, Nangiarkulangara. It started functioning right from the beginning of the College in 1964. Library is spacious and well designed, unique in collection and construction. The library now has a collection of about 25500 books. Of these, 1500 books are reference books. The user community of the library includes PG and UG students, Faculty members and non- teaching staff of the institution. To cater the information need of user’s library also subscribes some well-known periodicals and subject journals. The library is automated using “KOHA”, a well-known open source Integrated Library Management Software which has a number of advanced features, enabling the college library to become more user oriented in the current digital era. Besides very suitable and convenient library administrative modules, KOHA can provide a handful of attractive interfaces from the user point of view, like quick search and access, Web-OPAC, and the feasibility of integrating new technologies like RFID. The library also has access to D Space, the institutional repository software. The documents are organised in shelves using Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme
For the smooth functioning of the Library we have a few rules which are as follows:
1. The Library remains open from 9:00 a.m to 4.30 p m on all working days.
2. Strict silence is to be observed in the library.
3. Open access system is followed in the library. Users can take books by themselves from the racks. In case of any difficulty in locating a book, they may seek the help of Librarian or Library assistant.
4. Personal belongings such as books, bags, issued books etc. should be kept at the property counter 5. Books in the reference section, periodicals and journals are not loaned out.
6. Users will have to produce their smart ID card at the time of issue of books and other documents.
7. Books are issued for a period of 14 days which can be renewed only once for a period of 7 days. Defaulters will have to pay a fine of Rs.1.00 per day for each book. If the due date for return of books falls on weekends or holidays the book must be returned on the next working day without fine.
8. Borrowers have to bring the book to the library to get it reissued.
9. Borrower shall be responsible for safe return of the books to the library. Borrowers must satisfy themselves about the physical condition of the book before borrowing, otherwise they shall be responsible for the damage noticed at the time of return.
10. Reservation of books facility is available in the library.
11. Users shall not exchange between themselves the books borrowed from the library.
12. Marking, underlining, scribbling, writing etc. on the books are strictly forbidden.
The following services are offered by the TKMM College Library.
1. Circulation
2. Article index of selected periodicals
3. Weekly display of new arrivals
4. Reprographic Services
5. Library Orientation of fresh members
6. Facility to reserve books
7. Current awareness service
8. Display of Publication of Faculty members
9. Reference Service
10. Online Public Access Catalogue
11. Availability of N-List, etc.Borrower shall be responsible for safe return of the books to the library. Borrowers must satisfy themselves about the physical condition of the book before borrowing,